About Us

Chloe M. Moers

Chloe is an animal rights activist, author, environmental justice warrior, and the founder of Magenta Sun Healing, www.magentasunhealing.com, (providing animal communication, animal reiki, classes, videos, and vegan meal plans). She was a litigant for Natures Trust RI (a student-led lawsuit in RI fighting climate change) for 4 years. She has been a paid climate change guest speaker, has won several business competitions for Magenta Sun Healing, and founded a branch of Reiki called Unconditional Love Reiki. Her 17 books include The Complete Guide to Veganism, Mother Ocean; Fish Sentience and the Power of Change, Unconditional Love Reiki (3 books in the series), The Gift of Fruit; the Art of Fruit Love Healing, Opening Our Heart to Communicate with All Life, Raw Vegan Recipes and Guide, Living in Love, Learn the Art of Channeling, You are Infinite, Inside the Mind of a Turkey: from Birth to Plate, Diary of a Dairy Calf: my first 100 days, How to Communicate with Animals, How to Manifest a Compassionate World, Traveling Into the Past: Including a Guide on How to Experience Past Life Regression, and Messages from the Animals of Costa Rica. She was a volunteer at Winslow Farm Animal Sanctuary for a few years and has always had a passion for helping animals. Her goal is for all animals to be free from human exploitation, abuse, and use.  

Oereishi Aeoma 

Oereishi Aeoma (Jorge Casado) is a Hamana, an animal rights activist, a creative, a guide, a healer, a poet, a writer, a stellar interpreter, a storyteller, and, like many of you, so much more. He has a bachelor’s degree in communications from Ithaca College and is very keen on learning. He expresses his avid love for all beings by volunteering at animal sanctuaries, cultivating places and spaces where love is embraced and embodied, aiding children who have autism, helping manage and maintain self-sustaining gardens, encouraging and recommending an I-tal (Vegan) diet, endorsing a clean lifestyle, and advocating for other beings. Also, ever since 2019, he has been serving as a guide and healer by communicating with other beings and sending them energy. He does so by channeling and facilitating energy and light. Moreover, in August 2024, he published Being, a book of poems, his first of two avant-garde literary pieces. Later, in November 2024, he released another book, Bird Band, in which a bird grows to speculate and realize the imbalances of her world. That said, Oereishi has many more creative works in flow. You see, since July 2024, he has been honing in on his ability to articulate and compose fascinating and inspiring stories with the Rhode Island Black Storytellers organization. Some of his goals consist of inspiring, protecting, and leading others, while nurturing food forests and exploring the world. With much gratitude, he sends you all love! Enjoy!